Update Ubuntu w/o Screwing up DA


Verified User
Sep 14, 2021
W/all the recent vulnerabilities coming down the pike, I'd *really* like to update my Ubuntu installation. However, the last time I did that, it screwed up DA, & I basically had to do a reinstall. Not fun, & I'd prefer not doing it again.

Does anyone have any advice on how to update the OS w/o simultaneously screwing up DA? Thanks to any & all in advance.
That's weird I have Debian 11 and have updated alot without issues.

What version?

in general
from ssh

apt update
apt upgrade
apt dist-upgrade
(if you want)


cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build clean
./build set_fastest
./build update
./build update_da
./build all

Or do you mean like going from 18 to 20
Afternoon, Brent. I've got Ubuntu 20.04 LTS installed, latest DA, so I'm not talking a major version upgrade. It's been a bit since that happened, but my memory is that Exim & Dovecot in particular got hosed.

I'm perfectly comfortable w/SSh, you understand--I just didn't want a repeat of last time :).

Hope all is well for you there in TN.
Exim & Dovecot in particular got hosed.
Well if you have some custom config maybe. But a rebuild should fix all of that. One of the things about the services in DA most all of it is Source complied and not binary. So if you update the OS its best to do a full ./build all.

I would make a snapshot of the box right before you start.

I however don't use Ubuntu in general the update steps are the same for all OS'
I just didn't want a repeat of last time
no one does.. It is computers and problems are why they pay us the big bucks.. LOL
Hope all is well for you there in TN.
Thanks for asking. All is well. I hope you are as well.
Brent, I'm not at all a Linux Newby--have been using it for years. DA, however, is another story,as I only got on board that train this past August. It's a learning curve--& I've had more than 1 pretty serious bump in the road. Thankfully all but 1 was such that no harm was really done.

I do read documentation & look on Google for answers prior to posting here. I find the documentation to be quite scattered about in a variety of places, not all of which are predictable. I'm sure at some point I'll become as comfortable w/DA as I have been w/CPanel or no control panel at all, but I'm hosting others' websites now, & I'm being as cautious as I would be were I in a mine field. I'm a straight-up coward, & I admit it, so *definitively* re: the box snapshot!

So I'm guessing that a ./build all just reinstalls all configs, keeping anything custom you've put in place provided it's in the custom folder? There just doesn't seem to be a lot of documentation on how all this works under the hood.
I only got on board that train this past August.
Welcome to Directadmin.
It's a learning curve
For sure
I find the documentation to be quite scattered about in a variety of places, not all of which are predictable
Totally agree and one of my complains as a whole. It also one of the reasons alot of us help so much here on the forum. I wish they had documentation like plesk.
So I'm guessing that a ./build all just reinstalls all configs, keeping anything custom you've put in place provided it's in the custom folder?
Yes its like updating and upgrading all of the directadmin custombuild items like apache, exim, php, mysql and so on. All based on the choices you made in the options.conf

This is a good link on Custombuild

You also might like my cheat sheet

I'm not at all a Linux Newby--have been using it for years.
That is good and will really help you.

We will all be here to help you along the way
I'll let everyone know how it goes. Thanks for your kind correspondence, Brent. I more than certain you've got other things you could've been doing this afternoon/evening, so I'm really honored you took some of your valuable time to engage w/me. Thank you.

Once I get my server set up the way I think it should be, I would like to develop an A11Y-friendly skin for DA. Power_user works well, but seems to lack some of the later features. That's likely a couple months down the line, but website hosting can be a good fit for those w/"disabilities", & DA's Evolution skin can be tough to use. It's not my area of expertise, particularly, But DA *really* needs something like this, which means someone in the A11Y community will likely have to do it. I'm not familiar w/anyone else that might be interested, so...

O what fun!
I'm of the feminine persuasion
Well its hard to tell with no picture and abletec as the name. All good though. We need more ladies in the field.

I use the "Regular" guy in my signature there because I want people to know we are all just regular common people. Alot of the problems in the world is usually not between common people its the governments they live under. Example: The people in Japan love there families, want happiness, and like to eat good food. All the other peoples do to..Mexican, Korean, Russian, Ukrainian, German, Chinese, and on and on. I can make it even clearer I personally know people from China, Ukraine, Russia, Iran, India, Netherlands and Bulgaria just to name a few. I would gladly share a table with them and have with some. I know the the "regular" people are just like me (USA) they love life, their kids, food, and want good health. Once the regular people all over the world unite love will abound and hate will die on the vine.

That maybe way more than you wanted but it just comes out of me sometimes.
Amen, amen, & amen! We're all of the human race, we're basically all 1 family, & we have so much more that unites us than that divides us. If we'd all focus on those things, we'd be so much better off.

Even had I given my real name (it's Jackie, btw), that can be a male name, so w/me it's hard to tell. I never get offended--in fact, when it comes to IT, I do like to be considered just "1 of the guys". Lol.

You might consider yourself just a regular guy, but you're a meteoric light in my book. Let it shine! Keep it up! I am convinced that our acts of kindness we don't even recall doing may have a tremendous impact on someone else's life, & we aren't even aware.

& Now I'll shut up & return to our regularly scheduled Direct Admin programming. :).