Updating OpenSSL


Verified User
Dec 2, 2005
Denver, CO

So I was reading this about taking my OpenSSL from the backportred version of 0.9.7a to 0.9.7i but a few things got me a bit nervous:

Exim which in turn affects SpamAssassin and ClamAV. As I also need to update curl, I figured might as well hit all of these up at once (well, one at a time at least) but my being unfamiliar w/ Exim and its interaction w/ DirectAdmin makes me pause. Are there any gotchas with Exim when it comes to redoing it after upgrading OpenSSL? What about tying SpamAssassing and ClamAV in with Exim? I didn't see anything in the How To section and a search on "Exim help" and "Exim support" turns up a lot of threads that just don't really address what I'm looking at.

So...any suggestions or pointers so that I don't massacre my installation? Or did I read the original thread wrong (post 4 is what got me) and I can do this w/o any issues? Thanks!