Updating the system ?


Verified User
Nov 12, 2004
Hello all

I would like to update my fedora core system. I whas going to just do : yum update

But, i whanted to ask first to be shure that there will be no problem if i do so?

Thx for your help.
It's perfectly safe to use yum with DA, after adding this exclude list line:

exclude=httpd* mysql* php* perl* apache* mod_* MySQL* *ftp* exim* sendmail* php* kernel* da_*

to the bottom line of the [main] section of /etc/yum.conf.
Where do the DA versions of the excluded software come from if one needs to update these? And what exactly does the DA update feature update? I thought I had a bookmark for this info but can't find it.
The DA update feature only updates the DirectAdmin program itself.

You can find the latest versions of all software DA manages here.

Search for customapache on these forums for instructions on using the DA customapache system for updating many of the programs DA manages.

Thank you. I like the idea that DA only updates itself - less chance that something will break unexpectedly. So essentially, if a program is listed on that page for my distro, it needs to be installed from there to work with DA. Everything else can be updated from the normal repositories with yum, correct?
Almost correct.

Some programs not in customapache are still updated manually. See DA's repository here.

Why is the kernel update excluded?


Is it possible update bind with yum?
It's up to you to decide when/if to update your kernel. DA can't decide for you what hardware your kernel must support.

You should probably be able to update bind with yum, but you may have to modify the /etc/named.conf file to match what DA installs at /var/named/*
