Updating to Installatron 3.1.1 Problem


Verified User
Dec 6, 2004
I'm facing a problem in updating my Installatron from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1. In the update section the status displays "no". Does anyone else faces this problem? How can I over come it? Thank you for your time.
Installatron is a third party product, so I've moved the thread. You can find support for it at the Installatron forum here.

Go to Installatron Admin in the admin level and click the Update Core button. It will download and install the upgrade through there as they want you to go through that instead of the plugin panel on DirectAdmin.
tons of things went wrong when I upgraded to 3.1.1 I am beginning to feel each release acts like a major upgrade and is a huge gamble to upgrade to.

The first problem I noticed was they changed how ioncube files are used and they in a new location and different version, which caused the upgrade script to fail because it wanted to start using them before they were extracted, I fixed this by installing them manually in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/iTron/ioncube, the old dir was ixed.

The second problem was it now needs system_exec enabled in php so if its disabled you will need to enable it, perhaps they should have a custom php.ini like another plugin has and that will unaffect system php settings.

I had a few other minor problems as well caused by the initial failure so I ran the update script in my shell.

Installatron uses its own php.ini as of 3.2.0, to get around the requirement problems that you mention.

Regarding the ioncube issue, the cause you suggested doesn't sound quite right, although it's good that you managed to fix it. We've been switching back and forth between using ioncube and ixed, depending on which one works on the most servers at the time.

The 3.0.x > 3.1.x upgrade jump was a tough one. Lots of under-the-hood changes were needed to support the new features, but not all servers sat comfortably with those changes. We've got it all covered now, although any server with modified permissions will always have trouble with that 3.0.x > 3.1.x step. The way 3.2.0 works means that will never be a problem again for anyone on 3.2.0+.

Anyway, sorry for the upgrade problems you had.


Installatron Auto-Installer
Ok I just ran the check and update system files, which I like since I no longer need to enter the admin pass to upgrade and it worked flawless, thanks.
I had a long detailed explanation of exactly what goes wrong but I lost it when my computer crashed, so to summarise, the same problem occurs on 3.0.5 to 3.2 Downloads and extracts ok, then update.php fails due to missing ioncube files.

wget ioncube to shell manually and ran update.php from shell, then error for the shell_exec, enabled it in global php.ini and updated from the shell ok, once upgraded to 3.2 was able to change global php.ini back.
Perhaps shell_exec was disabled before the upgrade that failed was initiated? However, that shouldn't have been an issue since you were upgrading from a 3.0.x version, which doesn't need shell_exec. When an update is initiated, Installatron updates its loaders before the core; I'm not sure why it would give you trouble. At least it's working now. Let us know if you want us to take a look at this on your server, we'll be happy to do so.

yeah its all fine now and there was no issue going from 3.1 to 3.2 so I guess this is a problem that is resolved in new version's I only posted it incase others had hit the same problem.