Upgrade mysql question ( 4.1.12 )

Donc non, le script ne marche pas. Par contre un autre fait par Avenueduweb marche, pour le moment uniquement en 4.1.11 vu que le rpm n'est pas dispo.


I have modified the l0rdphi1's script to update mysql. But the rpm for mysql 4.1.12 is not ready to download but my script run perfectly with mysql 4.1.11 on fedora core 3. If directadmin's user are interesting do that :

wget http://www.avenueduweb.org/directadmin/update.mysql.sh
sh update.mysql.sh

And write the version you want.



So no, the script does'nt work for FC3.Otherwise, Avenueduweb makes an other script working to update into 4.1.11 (waiting RPM for 4.1.12)

I tested and i'm running with 4.1.11 vers.