Upgrade Named 9.3.3rc2 ?


Verified User
Jun 15, 2008
on http://directadmin:2222/CMD_SYSTEM_INFO

i have the following

Named 9.3.3rc2 Running
ProFTPd 1.3.1 Running
sshd Running
dovecot 1.0.14 Running

now the question is what is this?

and in rc2.. if any explanation what this is, should i upgrade to the latest stable version and which one?
Your comment is meaningless unless we know what OS distribution you're using, and know what the greatest number in their repositories is.

Your comment is meaningless unless we know what OS distribution you're using, and know what the greatest number in their repositories is.


got centos 5.2 64 bit

however i could only get Named 9.3.4 from the latest list

any help?

the latest version is bind 9.5.0
What method did you use to update it? Apt-get and yum dont always run the most up to date versions. You might have to install it via a src.rpm or tar.gz
my sysadmin wrote this


We have upgraded your bind, but only to the available upgrade for CentOS 64
bit, as it is not recommended to install via source.

Named 9.3.3rc2 now Named 9.3.4


It is just our standard that if there is a control panel, we usually upgrade
first via the methods that the Control Panel supports, such as for DA,
custombuild or yum/apt-get, but since bind is not listed in custombuild, and
yum did not result the latest, maybe we can try via source if you insist on the
latest. What we just want is for the server to be stable, as not all new
releases are stable, which is most of the time still with bugs, so for
production servers, we always on the safe side, and make use of the proven
versions. Please advise.

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Yum is no doubt loading the latest vesion; Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and thus also CentOS, use their own version and sub-version system; they backport all security updates to the version number they support, and show it in sub-version numbers.

What is the result of:

rpm -qa | grep bind

Once you've got the complete version number check the CentOS site to make sure it's the latest one.

Here is the result of that command:

[root@keiko backup]# rpm -qa | grep bind

and I have checked the official centos bind here :


which is basically updated or the same.