upgrade question


Verified User
Apr 13, 2005

I am about to go from centos 3.4 to 4, i have been advised to do a fresh install because of the differences between 3.4 and 4.

if i do a fresh install can i take the /usr/local/directadmin directory and restore it on my new server and then rebuild apache etc.

once the db and /home /var/named /etc stuff etc are restored i should be up and running?

has anyone else done this? any problems or gotchas

I would recommend using one of DirectAdmin's backup functions since copying directories straight over hasn't always worked.
DA's backup system does not backup DirectAdmin itself.

You can do a system backup, and then rebuild your server as CentOS4. Then reinstall DA on the new server (the folk at DA might have to change the license type for you). Then retore the system backup to the new server.

Note that there's no reason to update a CentOS 3.4 to CentOS 4 now; 3.4 will continue to be updated for several years. The advantage of an Enterprise quality system such as CentOS is that you don't have to update it to the next full number version continually.
