upgrade the operating system 32BIT to 64BIT


Verified User
Oct 24, 2008
I have a lifetime license DA (1)
I just installed 5.3 32BIT CENTOS server and I want to upgrade the operating system to CENTOS 6.2 64BIT
Because I increase the memory to 8GB and new hard disks

Help with installation, data backup and restore the new operating system
Please help me what I should do step by step
Backup your system using the Admin Reseller Backup Migration tool.

Move all the resulting tarballs to a different server for storage.

Request DirectAdmin Sales switch your license.

Completely bare-metal wipe your server and install CentOS 6.2.

Install DirectAdmin and anything else you've added previously.

Restore your backup.

Note that most of the stuff in that link scares me:

You're moving from 5.x to 6.x; that's very different from 5.x to 5.y.

DirectAdmin will need to be reinstalled; it's not impossible to do that without losing all your hosting details, but it's not easy either.

It's not only the libraries that need to be replaced; all compiled software must be recompiled as well.

Yes, it's probably doable. I won't risk it on a live hosting server, and I've never met a professional who would recommend it.

Jeff, I'm not sure what links (which scare you) you're talking about. But the main idea of the link I gave above is that /home can be left as it is, without formating. Of course you should have backups on another HDD or a server (for safety). To say it in other words, I don't see any reason to format /home, and all backups can be moved there (including admin, reseller levels) and copied to another safe location.

Note, I don't recommend doing it without having copies of backups in a secure storage. And sometimes, in some DC, you can use even a secure mode to re-install OS without loosing backups. I'm not sure how is it in USA, but there is a couple in Germany.
Perhaps I was a bit over-dramatic. I'm concerned about things like library references and paths in /home and certainly I wouldn't use the 32-bit boot directory.
