Upgrade to Apache 2


Verified User
May 7, 2007
Hey all, (Debian 3.1/DA 1.29.6) (EDIT: if you cant tell, im not particularly well seasoned in the whole linux world, although the last 6 months has been a steep learning curve)

Im wondering if someone can help me - I have recently installed DA and have been looking around the forum quite abit, ive found several previous posts about this but the ones with any detail get quite confusing.



and there have been others - thankfully i took a backup before i did all this....

Everything seems to have processed correctly and I get to the stage where I want to restart Apache so I run:

/etc/init.d/httpd restart

and it returns:

Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 68 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/mod_perl.so into server: /usr/lib/apache/mod_perl.so: undefined symbol: PerlIOBase_binmode

....now if i ignore it - DA still seems to work and if i comment our the line :
LoadModule perl_module /usr/lib/apache/mod_perl.so
and restart the server it seems to work fine and DA recognises that its Apache2 it even recognises that apache is alive in the service monitor.

Thanks to all that reply! (Sorry if this is in the wrong area btw)
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Try removing mod_perl (you likely dont use it anyway, it's won't affect cgi-bin files).

Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf with nano, or your favorite editor.

LoadModule perl_module /usr/lib/apache/mod_perl.so


#LoadModule perl_module /usr/lib/apache/mod_perl.so

save, exit then restart apache.

Just in progress at the moment - one concern though, i saw highlighted Apache 1.3.37. After id attempted to - and successfully installed Apache2

Ill let you know how it goes.
Well - it killed my machine.

Couldnt compile all the stuff to do with php4

ive reverted to a backup i took not long before hand. So im back on apache1.3.37