Upgrade to PHP5


Verified User
Sep 2, 2010

I have to following specs on my server:

Apache 1.3.33
DirectAdmin 1.38.3
Exim 4.50 Running
MySQL 4.0.23
Named 9.2.4
ProFTPd 1.2.9
vm-Pop3d 1.1.7e

I would like to upgrade to PHP5.

I have 2 questions:

1 - can it be done even though I have DirectAdmin 1.38.3?
2 - What are the steps?

Anybody's help help please.

I obviously forgot to mention. I currently have PHP Version 4.3.11.

Anybody please. Thanks.
It can be done. Easily. Search these forums for threads with custombuild in the title.

I found stuff with Apache 2.0 but I have version Apache 1.3.33. Does that make any difference? Please let me know when you can.

If you want Apache 2.x with PHP5, customapache is not maintained anymore. Use custombuild instead. Please search the forums, I remember, that I've answered similar question somewhere here, about upgrading apache to the latest release 2.x from 1.3.x.

If you use customapache and want only to update PHP5, you can follow the guide, to which you've posted the link.

I want to keep my current version of Appache but I want to simply upgrade the PHP to 5.

Is this thread below valid for what I wish to do?


Also, are there any other worries/issue I should know ?

Please let me know as soon as possible.

Is there any way of finding out if I have cbuild or capache thru cpanel?

Also, I'm a little confused. I'm gonna try to make it simple question. I found this thread:


I still want to use the old apache versions (Apache 1.3.33) which I have currently. I just simply want to upgrade PHP5. Does that thread apply? Is there anything I need to verify before executing the commands on that thread? Can it be done?

Please let me know. Sorry for the confusion. I can't really find anything else that will help me. Please let me know ASAP.
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If you can not figure out what are you having on your server: custombuild or customapache, how are you going to update PHP version? I don't know how about you, but I personaly do not know a way to find out that from within CP. I need to log in a server as a superuser (root) and run at least cd <PATH_WHERE> command to learn it. That the almost first command from the very guide the link to which you've posted.

Since you do not know that simple bases you should before read some Handbooks about Linux, or hire somebody. If you're short of money, then ask for a free assistance. But do not do it yourself without understanding commands.

I can not give you any guarantee about those guides, because your particular case might differ, as every installation is a little bit unique. To answer your question, one should grant access to your server and do all that work, and only after that it will be possible with some certainty to answer affirmatively or negatively the question.

As a conclusion, both guides seems to be working. But there might be some unlighted issues.