Upgrade Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS to 24.04.2 LTS


Verified User
Sep 27, 2009
San Diego, CA
I have been getting reminders to update Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS to 24.04.2 LTS, but when i went ahead with the upgrade (do-release-upgrade), I get the error message "Legacy DirectAdmin is not compatible with Debian 13 and Ubuntu 24. ... This check can be disabled by removing the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99-directadmin-legacy-distro-upgrade-lock file."

This server uses a "Personal" license, which I understand is considered a legacy license. I guess I didn't fully understand what this meant. If DA does not support OS upgrades to current versions, then I guess there isn't much reason to have this license any more.

Am I misunderstanding something here, or does legacy mean that the DA installation is permanently frozen in time?
Am I misunderstanding something here, or does legacy mean that the DA installation is permanently frozen in time?
It's not officially stated like this, but you can consider it this way yes. Certain upgrades are not possible anymore like the upgrade to the higher Ubuntu but also upgrading to MariaDB 10.11 is not possible.
Other updates like DA and apache and php still work, but nobody knows if there will be further cutbacks on the legacy licenses.

So you can keep using this license. If you want a newer OS and newer MariaDB and some more features, I would suggest getting the Personal Plus license. You can change license on your existing vps/server and this way you won't loose anything and can just upgrade, you won't have to reinstall the server.

Be aware that any downgrading to just Personal license again is not possible. Then you would have to reinstall.