upgrading apache


Verified User
Nov 9, 2006
i've not used custombuild for any major updates yet and have a quick question. i currently have

PHP/5.2.0 CLI
mysql 4.1.21

can i upgrade straight from apache 1.3.37 to 2.2.9 just by using custombuild or is there additional configuration that needs to be applied? if i upgrade mysql and php also do they have to be upgraded in any particular order and what commands should i use? any advice appreciated.

thanks in advance

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CustomBuild will do everything for you.

thanks, so what order should i install them in, or should i just perform the foloowing commands in this order?

./build update_data
./build apache
./build mysql
./build php
Yes, it's okay :) You can just do:
./build update
./build all d
Yes, it's okay :) You can just do:
./build update
./build all d

thanks for your help, i did as you said and all seemed to be ok, but when i start apache i get:

"Syntax error on line 14 of /etc/httpd/conf/ips.conf:
User cannot occur within <VirtualHost> section"

when i look at ips.conf line 14 looks the same as i have on another server
User admin
Group admin
but apache doesn't seem to like this now. any ideas?
it's ok i found a reply you had made to someone else, i used:

echo "action=rewrite&value=ips" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

all working fine now, thanks for all your help :)