Upgrading Perl on FreeBSD...


Verified User
Oct 31, 2003
Lecanto, FL USA
I tryed to upgrade Perl with FreeBSD's Port Collection by going to /usr/ports/lang/perl5/ then typing make and then make install isn't that suppose to upgrade the current perl or am i doing something wrong?
DirectAdmin Support said:

If you have a /usr/ports/lang/perl5.8 directory, use that instead.


There is not /usr/ports/lang/perl5.8/ it is just /usr/ports/lang/perl5/ which is verison perl 5.6.3 i believe but the upgrade is not showing up so am i doing it correctly?
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You can use sysinstall to get 5.8.1 or you need to do a ports upgrade your ports are out of date.
Well actually there nto out ofdate that just been updated to FreeBSD 4.9 and i do not really care to have 5.8.x Perl i herd issues with it so i would rather wait. I was just wondering after i upgraded through ports how coming it is not taking effect because when i use some CPAN commands to install some modules it tells me i need atleast Perl 5.6 when i have Perl 5.6.3 installed now in less i didn't upgrade it correctly. So is there a certain way to go about upgrading them?
Sorry I was thinking 5.x my mistake!

Correct me if I am wrong but when you install perl it leaves the old version? I remove and reinstall when I do perl upgrades. Do a whereis perl to see if you have multiple versions. I had this happen once where it was reading the old version in usr/bin/perl
Did you update your ports collection doing CVSup? If so after installing the new perl version you have to issue the command: use.perl port

The type perl -V to check if the version is 5.8
Yea i ran that command and it says Perl 5.00503 but when i went in the perl port and type make and then make install it installed Perl 5.6.3 so is that the correct way?
It is the right why to install a port. Before you do make and want to make sure it is the right version do:

more distinfo

This will show the version that will be installed when you do make.

Try this for now:

pkg_add -r perl5.8

My guess is that you do not have updated your ports collection to the latest versions. See http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/cvsup.html to keep them up2date
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Yea you don't really but you can like i do, you can always just use the commands you told me. I tryed use.perl perl5.8 and it still show as me using perl 5.005_03 how wierd.
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It also says when i type use.perl perl5.8


/usr/local/bin/use.perl port -> /usr/bin/perl is the perl5 port
/usr/local/bin/use.perl system -> /usr/bin/perl is the system perl

so it is still on the old Perl.
It just goes to the next line. but when i type the one that you said was incorrect it gave me the information i showed above.
That is ok.. No news is good news in this case. To verify that your new perl is active you type:

perl -v

You will probably see something like this:

This is perl, v5.8.2 built for i386-freebsd

Copyright 1987-2003, Larry Wall

Blablablala and then some...

If not then I have no clue ;)
Now i am getting this when clicking on "Show Installed Perl Modules"

Program Error

A segmentation fault has occured

that happen after i upgraded what would cause that?
Stay away from Perl 5.8.x

Yea it is 5.8.x i would recommend people stay away from 5.8x in tell they have there bugs fix in tell then i will use 5.6x well thought i would let everyone know.