I want to upgrade my current server from php 4.4.9 and mysql 5.0.67 to the latest stable versions. I'm assuming I can just use custombuild to do this?
My question is if the upgrade fails and leaves things in a bad state or if the upgrade breaks some user applications for some strange reason... what directories should I back up to restore if there is a failure? Or is it impossible to go back once doing a mysql upgrade?
I want to upgrade my current server from php 4.4.9 and mysql 5.0.67 to the latest stable versions. I'm assuming I can just use custombuild to do this?
My question is if the upgrade fails and leaves things in a bad state or if the upgrade breaks some user applications for some strange reason... what directories should I back up to restore if there is a failure? Or is it impossible to go back once doing a mysql upgrade?