uploaded pages not loading on holding page


New member
Apr 3, 2008
:confused: New to all this I have uploaded web pages into the public directory folder, they are all there to view, but my holding host page is still saying up load web pages. They are not talking to each other?

any help greatly appreciated.
Is the index page you uploaded called "index.php" ?

Before you upload your page to the public_html folder, there was already a file called "index.html" or "index.htm" in that folder (I forgot which one"), which is created by directadmin for all new account.

By default, the web server will return index.html instead of "index.php" if index.html exists in the public_html folder. Try to remove index.html from the public_html folder and the web server will return index.php to the browser instead.
loading problems

Thanks for your reply having massive login in problems only just got back in. I will try that, I use FTP client and have in the past on another site saved most files as .asp files is that still ok to do. Reason I ask is that the index.htm file it has loaded is incomplete, its not loaded header nav or footer, both these are saved as asp files?

I seem to be having so may glitches this time, its not the first time I have used these style sheets. Last time happily went much smoother. Julie
.asp has to be run on windows server. (It may run on some linux server, but not 100% compatible)

Directadmin only run on Linux server..

So, if you try to run asp script on a directadmin linux server, you will not succeed.
Go to find a company who provide windows shared hosting instead.
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public html file

Hi I removed the index.htm file and saved my index pagae as index.php the page has not altered, i can only view through a back door ip as our holding page still displays windows internet explorer error. any help greatly appreciated. Julie
Are you using asp scirpt inside your web page?
Linux server (ie. directadmin server ) doesn't support asp scripting language. So if you have asp script inside your page, the server do not know how to run your web page.

Your previous server may be a windows server so it can run on your script successfully.

What is your domain name? I may be able to see if there are any hints from the error message.
Note to everyone: If you are having a problem with a domain we cannot help without the domain name. Ip address is also helpful.