Uploading a site with frames


Verified User
Jul 28, 2004
Hello there this is my first website, and i seem to be having problems uploading my site. www.pearlsports.co.uk . I dont understand why the images arent there when i have uploaded them.

thank you.
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I don't either.

And I can't try to figure it out because I get a 403 forbidden message when I look.

Which means there's no index file there at all.

Grrr, it was working last night. Hehe ill sort it out.

erm sorry again.
They are case sensitive. One no no is your spaces. Replace them with underscores ( _ ) or something else. Spaces spell a quick way to disaster in my experience. That may be the problem, the pictures are trying to be pulled from


Where the %20 should be spaces. It would be easier to troubleshoot without them.

Where is the "Fw Exports" directory located in relationship to the main site directory?

This is how it is referenced in the html pages:

../Fw Exports/

Make sure the path to your images is correct.

Okay. I build the site in Dreamweaver, and uploaded it with SmartFTP. The three frames im uploading to the public_html directory are the header frame the Nav frame and the main home page Frame, and the save of all the frames, the index.htm. Then in a folder of exports from Fireworks, i have all the images i use for the frontpage. and now im getting nothing like the index file isnt even there. My homepage
Heres a good way to troubleshoot. Upload the pictures and try viewing them seperately through your browser. once you can do that, make the whole link the image source incase theres some directory problems.
I haven't written again because I wasn't sure what to write; it's obviously not a DirectAdmin issue but rather an issue with how Dreamweaver is creating your pages.

Can you view your dreamweaver site on your own local system?

I've looked at your sourcecode; the only code I found that tries to load images appears to be in Navframe.htm.

Navframe.htm is trying to load images from the Fw%20Exports directory, which doesn't exist on the server, perhaps because the upload didn't take place.

This appears to be either a Dreamweaver issue or an issue on how you're using SmartFTP.

David already asked you where you uploaded the "Fw Exports" directory; if you can't answer him because you don't know, then you need to find someone else to help you with your site; you're posting here on a forum for server administrators.

This just isn't the kind of work we do.

Leones said:
Okay. I build the site in Dreamweaver, and uploaded it with SmartFTP. The three frames im uploading to the public_html directory are the header frame the Nav frame and the main home page Frame, and the save of all the frames, the index.htm. Then in a folder of exports from Fireworks, i have all the images i use for the frontpage. and now im getting nothing like the index file isnt even there. My homepage
Cheers okay i think i know what i have wrong with it now. Thanks again for the help.

We want to know too....

Might be someone else run into problems that may be solved here.

Thanks, David
When i renamed the file Fw Exports with no spaces in it, i didnt change the name of the directory that the images were trying to be uploaded from. Im slowly getting the hang of it now, thank you all for the help, I wont bother you again.

You're not bothering me. I was interested in what you found.

Thanks, David