Verified User
I have this uploadscript:
But, it doesn't work:
I see this (and repeating for all users)
The connection looks fine. Even the rights on the ftp are fine. I see a new directory in the FTP with '5' (from datum).
But the problems are the gzipped files. They weren't uploaded.
In the options.conf, i see:
Curl is compiled in PHP, but why has this the value no?
What is wrong?
I have this uploadscript:
datum=`date +%u`;
`echo "action=backup&ftp_ip=$datum/&owner=admin&type=admin&value=multiple&when=now&where=ftp&who=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue`
But, it doesn't work:
I see this (and repeating for all users)
User admin has been backed up. <22:48:02>
ftp_upload.php exit code: 7
ftp_upload.php output: curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 21: Connection refused
curl return code: 7
Please see this URL and check for curl exit code '(7)': https://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=2127
The connection looks fine. Even the rights on the ftp are fine. I see a new directory in the FTP with '5' (from datum).
But the problems are the gzipped files. They weren't uploaded.
In the options.conf, i see:
curl = no
What is wrong?
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