Urchin 5..


Verified User
Jun 9, 2003
ok, Urchin 5 has been released :D installed and upgraded a pile of them over the last few days.

If anyone wants a howto for directadmin leave a message here and will get something written up.

If you have a server with rackshack quickly get the license while they just $1 :)

Are we allowed to do like that?
get license from rackshack and use it on other servers?

***ya i am also a rackshack's client***
of course your allowed to buy a licenses for your server :D

you can only have 1 license per ip (main server ip) so if you have 1 server with RS you can get hold of 1 license...... there WAS a limit intergrated into the order system where it would disallow you to order another license if you already have 1 linked to the chosen IP although they removed that as anyone upgrading from 4 to 5 using an existing license from RS couldnt order the new licenses (due to the restriction) so you could try to get more for non RS servers :p this isnt my idea.... and its probably against the RS TOS ... i would not recommend trying it :D

if you have a server with rackshack i would presonally recommend getting one for each server IP as the price is awesome :D

all of our servers now have V5 installed :)
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