Dear All, something strange happened with DA templates after recompilation of php5-2.17. Something very bad and sinister.
Version DA v1.37.0. Russian localization. No modification of templates or panel scripts will be made.
original php configuration
Im just added
After im added Zend Encoder and Eaccelerator.
And after this configuration in the admin and user side of the panel appeared to many characters
and the templates now looks broken... what is happens?
Really need help and your advice. Need a solution. Screenshots on the links.
admin level
reseller level
user level looks like reseller level
Help me plz!
[search the forum has not helped]
Version DA v1.37.0. Russian localization. No modification of templates or panel scripts will be made.
original php configuration
'. / Configure' '- with-apxs2' '- with-mysql = / usr / local' '- disable-ipv6' '- with-zlib = / usr / local' '- with-zlib- dir = / usr / local / lib '' - with-ttf = / usr / local / lib '' - enable-gd-native-ttf '' - with-png-dir = / usr / local / lib ' '- with-jpeg-dir = / usr / local / lib' '- with-gd = / usr / local' '- with-freetype-dir = / usr / local / lib' '- with-libxml -dir = / usr / local '' - with-iconv-dir = / usr / local '' - with-iconv = / usr / local '' - with-pdo-mysql = / usr / local '' - -with-mysqli = / usr / local / bin / mysql_config '' - with-gettext = / usr / local '' - enable-sockets '' - with-libexpat-dir = / usr / local '' - enable-zip '' - with-curl = / usr / local '' - enable-mbstring '
Im just added
'- with-tidy '' - with-mcrypt = / usr / local '' - with-openssl-dir '' - with-xsl '' - enable-bcmath '' - with-mhash = shared '' - enable-dba '' - enable-soap '' - with-imap-dir = / usr / local '' - with-imap-ssl '' - with-bz2 = shared '' - with-libxml-dir = / usr / local / libxml '' - with-xmlrpc '' - with-libexpat- dir = / usr / local '' - with-iconv-dir = / usr / local / iconv '' - with-zlib-dir = / usr / local / zlib '' - enable-zend-multibyte '' - -enable-ftp '' - enable-exif '' - with-gd '
After im added Zend Encoder and Eaccelerator.
And after this configuration in the admin and user side of the panel appeared to many characters
and the templates now looks broken... what is happens?
Really need help and your advice. Need a solution. Screenshots on the links.
admin level
reseller level
user level looks like reseller level
Help me plz!
[search the forum has not helped]