[Urgent] Website is asking for username/password (htpasswd) when it is off.


Verified User
Jan 1, 2008
I was developing a site for a client on my server. To protect it from getting indexed, I turned on the .htpasswd.

Now, I've moved the site and it is live, removed the password protection, but it is still asking for it when the page is served. I turned it off in DA, still doing it. I have removed the .htaccess code referecing the htpasswd, still doing it. I have removed the directory out of the .protected.list file, still doing it. I have deleted the whole .htpassword directory, still doing it.

What's also weird is that you can just click "cancel" and it still works.

Can someone please help me fix this??
I thought the same thing and opened a new Private window in Firefox and got the same thing.

I then opened a VM (new browser) and loaded it and the same thing.

There is something weird going on. Another thing... When the dialog opens up, it references the old development URL not the new one. But it is definitely loading from the new URL.
Yes, I have manually gone into the file manger and deleted all references to the htpasswd out of the .htaccess file. In addition, I have removed the .htpasswd directory completely.

I don't know why but this is what I had done:

1. Old website was on server under the users name.
2. Created a new website for the user as a subdomain to my site with htpasswd protection so Google didn't pick it up.
3. After site was done. I backed up their old site.
4. I moved the new site over to the active domain. (I copied all the files and moved the DB)
5. I moved the old site to the subdomain because they wanted access to some old info.
6. I password protected the old site so google wouldn't pick it up.

For some reason, the new site is referencing the old site when it comes to password protection.

This is extremely puzzling. The only way I could stop it was to turn off the password protection on the old site. But, now they don't have access to it like they wanted.
I installed a plugin to search for any references to the old site and changed it to the new site (search and replace). It says that there is no other references.

It is a wordpress site. Does anyone know how to double check that (manually) via linux?
You can check with a grep, but that will not solve anything on files cause WP save everything on DB..

So the file you can check is wp-config.php

And also you may want to get a dump of the DB and check in that file with an editor to check references to old site

Thank you... I did the dump from the DB and it seems that there were 27 instances left pointing to the old website. I've changed it, but because I already deleted the old site from the server I can't test it, but I assume that worked.
