url after da install


Verified User
Sep 15, 2004

After a DA installation you get a screen that says that the installation was succesfull, the admin password etc ...

I know there is also an url displayed to setup the base settings of DA ... After the installation I closed my ssh session to fast and now i'm looking for this url ...

Can not find it on the forum, support pages etc ...

thanks in advance!
It is almost always server_ip:2222
If you also need the password it generated for you, you will need root access to the server and you can find that in DirectAdmin's install log.
Thanks, that is not what I mean.

There is an url with a page that tells about the first things to setup after the installation, it's about the nameservers and ip's ...

You mean the manual pages at site-helper.com ?

I'm not aware of any other url's presented upon completion of installation, however it has been awhile sinve I've done one.
Yep, thats it! Thanks!

Strange that it is'nt mentioned on the DA website ...