Used storage space unaccountaged for


Verified User
Apr 7, 2004
Hello all,

I have a question. A client brought it to my attention that their control panel shows 300+mb of used space. When I log in to their control panel I do in fact see that 360mb of total disk space is used, but when it comes to the email and database usage and file usage, it's less than 65mb showing up as used. Where did the remainder go!?

Here is what I copied from the clients control panel:

Total Disk Usage (MB) 360.1
Email Disk Usage 61.8 MB
Database Disk Usage 1.10 MB

What does the du command give you.

du -h /home/username
What does the du command give you.

du -h /home/username

The customer has been doing some cleaning up in their account since my first post, but there still is a discrepancy as you can see below:

The result for that command is:

[root@stargatesg1 root]# du -sh /home/crimulus/*
4.0K /home/crimulus/backups
26M /home/crimulus/data
23M /home/crimulus/domains
60M /home/crimulus/imap
568K /home/crimulus/Maildir
0 /home/crimulus/public_html

109MB listed as used for this account.

However the control panel still shows:

Total Disk Usage (MB) 258.10 MB
Email Disk Usage 59.80 MB
Database Disk Usage 1.10 MB
The stats in the control panel only update when the cronjob is ran. The stats on directadmin are not live.
The stats in the control panel only update when the cronjob is ran. The stats on directadmin are not live.

How frequently are cron jobs set to run by default? The first post was the latest stats for this client this morning and then after they deleted data, the last post shows the most recent stats. With only a few hours difference. I know some cron jobs run at midnight.