User Backup timestamp?


Verified User
Sep 26, 2006
Bristol, CT USA
I recently noticed that user backups are timestamped 4+ hours ahead of my local time. I've checked both hwclock and system clock and both are correct. Any ideas?
What about other things you do on the server? Are their timestamps correct?

Has anyone else seen this?

I run user back-ups at midnight and cron works perfect, files are rsync'd to remote server shortly after, time on tar.gz files are 4:00am.

FTP uploads time is correct. PHP scripts display the correct time as well. Very strange no other time issues that I could find.
Can you post the output of the date command on your server?
$ date
That was extremely helpful. Your server runs on EDT, which is GMT -0400.

At midnight on your server, it's 4:00 GMT.

Do you see the 4:00 AM backup times on files on your server? Or on your backup server? Does the date command on your backup server show time in GMT or also in EDT? or in something else?

My guess is that rsync is syncing timestamps in GMT. That may or may not be a switch in in rsync. And of course I could be wrong.

But it appears evident to me, anyway, that the time difference between GMT and EDT is the culprit here.

The 4:00am time stamp appears on both my server and the backup server, so I don't think it's rsync.

I think your onto something with the GMT time. Maybe the DA back-up script uses GMT time some how?
Which backup are you writing about? Individual user backups? Reseller level backups? Admin backups?

I'm using the latest version of DirectAdmin on CentOS4.x. I just created a reseller backup, and DA created the files with the proper server time, which is (-0700). Did it at 12:09, and that was the time on the backup file. If I was having the same problem you're having, then it would have shown up 19:09.

So I'd still look at something else besides DirectAdmin as the culprit.
