User can't create subdomain of server hostname


Verified User
Jan 4, 2024
I'm a DA Admin having issues getting WordPress to Migrate using the Softaculous plugin... This led me to a point where I logged in as my test user and tried creating a second domain, but I'm getting an error that says:

"The domain ( does not belong to you."

Where "" is the hostname of the server. I checked the linked article and it looks like this option is either "on" or "off"... I need my resellers to be able to create subdomains of the primary domain for sites that aren't live yet. What's a good solution to this issue?

I should mention, when a user is signing up through WHMCS, or we're deploying FOR a user through WHMCS, we have no issues creating subdomains of the server as their URL. This restriction seems specific to DirectAdmin.
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So if i understand well:

Your hostname is:

And you want clients to be able to create (eventho is yours)?

That doenst seem like the brightest idea in my eyes... But change:
in directadmin.conf

restart Directadmin and "and bob's your uncle" it should work.
That's correct. The reason for it is because sometimes they'll need to create a site before their domain has provisioned, or before their client has decided on a domain.

Disabling "check_subdomain_owner" disables it across the board for all users, so fred can create subdomains on, which we don't want. We only want fred to be able to create new subdomains for "" if the need arises.

We have packages set up for users that limit the number of domains they can have, but for resellers, we definitely want them to be able to create subdomains of the main domain if necessary. We don't expect all of our resellers to use our hosting for their own websites.

I also don't want to have to send resellers back to WHMCS just to create a subdomain.

I guess I should probably set a reseller account for myself and go through the motions of testing it out, I actually have no idea what it looks like from a reseller standpoint, as this is my first DA server. Probably wouldn't be too bad to send them to WHMCS, that's what SiteGround does for their resellers, as well.
Why dont your clients buy:

And then create --> to test the site of the clients etc --> to test the site of the clients etc --> to test the site of the clients etc --> to test the site of the clients etc --> to test the site of the clients etc

a .com domain is not the biggest investment of the year.

After that you can easy move the files to the correct domain when everything is done.

Or you up the price of your packages with $10 per year and give them "a free domain" ;)
I do like that idea quite a bit. Let me create a reseller account and give that a shot myself. Maybe there's a way in WHMCS I can set it so that resellers have to pick a domain name for their hosting and it's free sign signup. Thanks, Ericosman
Your welcome.
And this should help:

And make sure there is an intergration with your TLD provider, so everything go's as fast as possible
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That's correct. The reason for it is because sometimes they'll need to create a site before their domain has provisioned, or before their client has decided on a domain.
You should never use a domain name as server's hostname. So it's logic this can't be done.

It should be done kind of like dyndns or no-ip so with subdomains like @ericosman says.

The servers hostname should be an FQDN hostname (like lik in the RFC. This can also prevent that some issues with mail can arise.