I've been thinking about moving over to DA in the future. Our current control panel doesn't allow a normal user to change/add/delete a domain. I'm wondering how people bill their customers.
At the moment, when we invoice a customer, the domain associated with the hosting account is listed on the invoice. This seems quite important when the user has multiple hosting accounts.
Also, from a management perspective, we can just search for a domain in the customer database and quickly find out what server the domain on.
So, it you have multiple machines and customers with a fair number of accounts, how do you manage them? Does DA update your billing system with the domains currently listed on the account. Do you list the username on the bill or do you just use the domain they initially signed up with?
Very interested to know what method DA admins use.
I've been thinking about moving over to DA in the future. Our current control panel doesn't allow a normal user to change/add/delete a domain. I'm wondering how people bill their customers.
At the moment, when we invoice a customer, the domain associated with the hosting account is listed on the invoice. This seems quite important when the user has multiple hosting accounts.
Also, from a management perspective, we can just search for a domain in the customer database and quickly find out what server the domain on.
So, it you have multiple machines and customers with a fair number of accounts, how do you manage them? Does DA update your billing system with the domains currently listed on the account. Do you list the username on the bill or do you just use the domain they initially signed up with?
Very interested to know what method DA admins use.