User FTP backups


Verified User
Sep 28, 2011

I am new to DirectAdmin and i noticed users can't make FTP backups.
As it seems this is normal in DirectAdmin and there is no add-on which supports FTP backups for users.

Can somebody perhaps help me answering this questions:

1. Why isn't is possible to create backups as an user?
2. Is there any way to fix this?
3. Anybody got some good tips for a workarround?

Thank you in advance!
To clear this up:

- On reseller level you can create (cron) backups and automaticly sent them to FTP
- On user level you can only create backups and download them.

Because i used to use Plesk / Cpanel where these futures are standard i just wanted you guys to ask if it is correct that this aint possible and if you perhaps forund a workarround for it..
You would have to request it as a feature request or someone would have to make a plugin.
Any idea when this will be live?
I am sure a lot of people want to have this feature as it is in most other hosting panels..