User not visible in reseller


New member
Jul 30, 2007
Hi all,

After moving a reselleraccount to another server I was just happy that everything seemed to work, but know when I want to move them again I have the following problem. The reseller account says it doens't know the user.

In the admin I can do 'all users' and then I it listed, with the message it's part of reselleraccount X. But if I login like reseller X, the user isn't visible.

Resulting in the problem that I can't backup the user and that I can't transfer the user. What to do? Somebody has an idea?

I allready thought of the move user from reseller a to b tool, but I have no source, do I?
echo "action=cache&value=showallusers" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
/usr/local/directadmin/dataskq d
I have the same problem exactly. User is visible through admin->show all
and it's account exists on one of resellers.

However, when logged it as that reseller, same account doesnt appear.
Refresh cache thingy doesnt help.

Should i just add manually that user into users.list of relevant reseller ?
There are hundreds of those "problematic" accounts - is there any automatic solution ?