User owned IP is not visible to user


Verified User
Jun 22, 2006
I have just made the move from Windows based servers to Linux. The company I am leasing servers from uses DirectAdmin. So , I am learning Linux (Unix is a distant memory from the early 1990's) and I am really puzzled by this one so tell me where to look and how to fix this.

I assigned a user an IP address, for use as a static IP for a client that I will be transfering to this server shortly. On the Admin IP Management Panel it shows as assigned to xx reseller (me actually) and owned by the user. On the Reseller's IP Management page, it is not there. On the User's detail page, the domain shows as using a shared IP, That's one of my NS's, and a shared IP. I can't seem to find an error. To top it off, I also get the test page when I go to that IP, I know why I get it, but curiously, I changed the index.html to index_html in the public_html folder.

Oh,and the MySQL db I pointed to is reachable.

I am not a redhat linux guru. (winS2K3, yes, linux, no) Any ideas on how to free up that IP?
As admin or reseller you should be able to edit the user details and change the IP#.

IP issue

Here's where my neophite ways of linux & directAdmin show. I can't remove the the reseller from the admin IP Management because the IP is owned. At the reseller admin level, the IP doesn't show on the IP management panel. Nor does it show up on the User DNS management panel. I can assign the IP there, but it is as if the routing table has dropped that IP altogether, except the apache test page pops up instead of the site assinged to that IP.

Where in Linux land do I go to see where my IP's are assigned? Is there a file somewhere that holds the routing table?
I fopund it

I got it by searching the nowlegde base.
The IP was missing from both the user.conf and fromthe reseller.conf files. All better now, I hope.