user quota count


Verified User
Nov 23, 2008
Hi at all,

I've install a new server with centos 6.3 and dierctadmin and I migrate in this server all my customer from another my server.

This is a detail of qute in a account:

Disk Usage Details Counted
0 B apache owned files in /home/user/domains/ Yes
0 B files owned by nobody in /home/user/domains/ Yes
0 B /var/spool/virtual/ No
0 B /home/user/.spamassassin/spam Yes
0 B files owned by mail in /home/user/.spamassassin/user_spam Yes
4.00 KB /etc/virtual/ Yes
8.00 KB /home/user/imap No
3.43 MB /home/user/Maildir No
15.5 MB MySQL Databases Yes
923.1 MB user owned files in /home/user/domains/ No
927.8 MB System Quotas Yes
943.3 MB Total

is correct that the parts in bold are set to no? I can exclude awstats in count?

Thank You
Hi zEitEr,

there is a button "DETAIL" in "Show Users: User user" and in CMD_USER_STATS page
Thanks, that must be something new, I haven't seen this before.

Note, in line with "Hide entires which are already included in the System Quotas (?)" click on the question mark to see the text:

Many entires that DirectAdmin counts are not added to the totals because they are already included in some other counted item such as the System Quotas. Unhiding these entries will help you track account disk usage, but are not included in the totals.

Some files owned by apache and root which are located in a user home are not included into system quota of the user, and that is why directadmin counts them separately. And if you want to exclude Awstats directory from user quota, you should move it out of home dir and symlink back.
I have the same problem


i have the same problem and i want to show that

Disk Usage


4.00 KB /etc/virtual/ Yes
4.00 KB /etc/virtual/ Yes
4.00 KB /etc/virtual/ Yes
4.00 KB /home/username/Maildir No
32.0 KB /etc/virtual/ Yes
92.0 KB username owned files in /home/username/domains/ No
18.2 MB /home/username/imap No
47.0 MB MySQL Databases Yes
47.1 MB Total
306.4 MB *** owned files in /home/*** /domains/*** .com No
665.0 MB *** owned files in /home/*** /domains/*** .com No
764.3 MB *** owned files in /home/*** /domains/*** .ir No
780.9 MB *** owned files in /home/*** /domains/*** .ir No

i want to make no fro the owned files YES

also sum them for Total Disk Usage

now the disk usage is 47MB

but it is bigger than 2GB
how can solve that ?
