is it posible to add a function to the admin
to change a user to a reseller because I have 2 clients that started from normal webhosting clients and now bought reseller account so I've updated
the /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/reseller.list
and then copyed the reseller.conf, reseller.usage, users.list and packages dir to the user dir
anyway just thought its a nice idea thats all
also making DA work with apache 2.x will be a nice upgrade
to change a user to a reseller because I have 2 clients that started from normal webhosting clients and now bought reseller account so I've updated
the /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/reseller.list
and then copyed the reseller.conf, reseller.usage, users.list and packages dir to the user dir
anyway just thought its a nice idea thats all
also making DA work with apache 2.x will be a nice upgrade