~username not working for users with dedicated IP's


Verified User
Apr 13, 2006

My DA server has a shared IP of (for example) that several sites are hosted on.
I also have a user (user2) account with a dedicated ip of

When using the method for viewing sites on the shared IP, the sites display correctly. Users with more than one domain can change the default domain and it still displays correctly.

The user with the dedicated IP number cannot view his sites with the ~username method.

Viewing brings up a "Not Found. The requested URL /~user2 was not found on this server."

If I change that to it will then bring up a "Forbidden. You don't have permission to access /~user2/index.html on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

Is anyone else experiencing this? Any clues on why this is happening?
I know I read somewhere that it is not compatible with either apache2 or suphp but I cant remember which lol.
On a reference system using apache 1.3x, this works fine for me, so I don't know what your problem is.

I'm having the same problem, and I'm using Apache2 (where a user is given a dedicated IP, but the IP does not show their site, with with or without ~user, etc.).

Did you find a resolution to this?

I've still not found why this is doing this, but I did find a work-around that works for my customer.

If they log into the control panel, then use the file manager and browse to the domain's "public_html" folder and then click on the index.html file (or whatever they are using), the page will display correctly and all the links seem to work... as long as they have the links set up as relative and not absolute.
Wooderson, I'm not sure I have the faintest idea what you're talking about... why would it be necessary to click the link from the file manager? If you know the link, why not just type it in directly?

Anyway, the IP started working for me after a few hours, the IP points to the "default" domain and seems to work just fine (so far).