Using apt-get on a DirectAdmin Debian installation


New member
Jan 22, 2013
Hello All,

This is my first post on the DA forum!
I wanna know if will be there any problems if I use apt-get on my server for installing .deb

You can use it. Apache, mysql, php, exim, dovecot and other software is managed by custombuild though in /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild. Read the custombuild section of forum on how to update that software.
You can use it. Apache, mysql, php, exim, dovecot and other software is managed by custombuild though in /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild. Read the custombuild section of forum on how to update that software.

Thank you for replay.

but if I would install CGI programs or php modules can I always use apt-get on a DA Debian installation ?

Thanks in advance
but if I would install CGI programs or php modules can I always use apt-get on a DA Debian installation ?

I doubt that, as apt-get will try to install PHP-* as requirements.
You need either to use PECL/PEAR to install extensions, or compile extensions for PHP manually.