Using DA on Fedora Core 3?


Verified User
Apr 7, 2004
I am looking into investigating whether Fedora Core 3 will be a good alternative for an OS on a new server I'm building for webhosting. My previous one was RedHat9 and while this worked great, I starte running into problems with RPM's compiled only for Fedora, etc. Basically no open source RH9 support unless it was on larger items like apache.

Anyway... Is Fedora Core 3 better than 2? More stable? Anyone tried it yet?

The only OS's I'm looking at are:

RedHat Enterprise
RedHat 9

Fedora looks great as being the latest 'redhat' while enterprise looks great, I want to keep costs low when I really don't need all the features they have.

Thoughts? Suggestions?
I am interested in finding out if Core 3 works with DA as well. Right now I am running CentOS v3.3 which is a straight compile of RHEL 3 just without all the references to redhat.

CentOS is great except for two things:
1. No support for reiserfs on install (i am running ext3 instead, but reiser is much faster)
2. No native support for 2.6 kernels. I recompiled it myself but it is a bit irritating.

I am ordering a copy of DA this week, so hopefully all goes smooth on my CentOS box.

Good luck!

We haven't tested Core 3 yet so we aren't sure if there are any issues. Anyone wanting to use Core 3 should request a free trial license first and see if there are any problems (if so, we'll gladly go on the server and fix them). That way you can be sure everything is working and you won't be paying for the first month.

Mark - How would this work for me since I'm already a paying customer of DirectAdmin? I would like to migrate to Fedora Core 3 (within 2 weeks) and have the new server installed (same old ip) to replace the RH9 server. I'd like to participate in the testing, would there be any 1 month deduction cost from what I've paid etc?
I tried to install DA on Fedora 3 but I stumbled upon an error with PHP Zlib during installation.

I tried to figure out what went wrong but since Fedora 3 has just been released recently I couldn't find anything.

I Cleaned the system and I installed Core 2. DA is running fine on it. Support for this version of Redhat is great, so any problem should be resolved relatively quickly.
The changes between FC2 and FC3 are versions updates the 90% , i think DA team will release support for FC3 soon and easy , only they need change some litle things.

I recommend wait with FC3 until DA make the changes .
Based on what I'm hearing/seeing here... it would be better to go with RedHat Enterprise 3 or FedoraCore2?? I'm kind of anxious as to figure out which is the best and which will last me the longest in the long run.

I want/need an OS that I will have installed for years until I retire the server sometime down the road a good two years or so from now. Since Fedora is a bleeding edge testbed for RH, I'm wondering if it's too much of a beta product with too many unknowns. Then again I really don't want to pay for RH Ent (I'm still hooked on the free RH days).

Fedora Core will release new distro each 8 months and can be upgraded remotely more or less easy . Wait one or two days to DA releasedsupport for FC3 , (they are on it now) .

FC is a great option and RHEL also, i have some licence for RHEL3 and they support the packages many many years , FC need more manual update but its free!

Sorry my english
Upgrading the OS is not so much a large concern but it is something that is a concern with Fedora since like I mentioned, Fedora is more beta than other distros. My server is going to be located in Seattle, WA while I'm near Washington DC. Thats a good 3000 miles between me and the server so when updates are doine, I normally use WebMin or up2date or something to install the RPM's. What is the 'upgrade' process from say FC2 to FC3? etc?

What is the timeline for John, Mark and the other guys get get a DA update out for FC3?
modem said:
Upgrading the OS is not so much a large concern but it is something that is a concern with Fedora since like I mentioned, Fedora is more beta than other distros. My server is going to be located in Seattle, WA while I'm near Washington DC. Thats a good 3000 miles between me and the server so when updates are doine, I normally use WebMin or up2date or something to install the RPM's. What is the 'upgrade' process from say FC2 to FC3? etc? , i dont know a guide in english but is possible upgrade from fedora core 1 to 2 to 3 etc etc, for example FC1 has not official support now, only fedora legacy team as rh 7.3 or rh 9 , and fc2 the next year also wont have official support, the idea is update remotely .

modem said:
What is the timeline for John, Mark and the other guys get get a DA update out for FC3?

Ask them , i hope as soon as they can.
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