Using and exim.conf to prevent mass mailing and blacklist?


Verified User
Mar 27, 2009

I've had quite a few bad experiences with my users sending mass mail (wasn't spam) but some mailservers blacklisted my server, and in the end there was like 50% mails that werent even delivered - even from other users. I've had to change the IP from the mailserver but it didnt help much.

So now, i've moved all the users to another server anyway, but i'm afraid again someone will mass mail and get my mailservers blacklisted. Thats a problem for all users then.

What would you recommend in order to avoid this situations? I'd like to limit the mails to some number that makes sure i dont get blacklisted. I've also heard that it helps if there is some time limit in sending more emails? Like 5 emails every 30 seconds? I've got some customers who have 10.000 users and keep sending newsletter.

Please advice!

I'd like to limit the mails to some number that makes sure i dont get blacklisted. I've also heard that it helps if there is some time limit in sending more emails? Like 5 emails every 30 seconds?

You can easily set a daily limit. (See Knowledgebase.) You can also set up a cron job to clear the count every so many minutes.
Thank you!

But will 100 or 200 emails per day max for each user make me safe against getting my IP's blacklisted and such?

I've got some users who send mass emails even on non-existing emails which get rejected over and over again - i heard that is a big problem??
No one is going to be able to tell you with certainty what will keep you from getting blacklisted. We've run mailing lists with thousands of addresses, and still do for one client. His server has never been blacklisted, because he's careful to only send emails to people who request them through a double-opt-in process.

You can get blacklisted if you send one email, if it's to a spamtrap address.

If you've got users who send emails to nonexistent addresses you need to do something about them: perhaps change your terms of service so that becomes a reason you can suspend their account. Sending even a limited number of emails to nonexistent addresses will eventually get you blocked.

And you really should also suspend users (make sure it's in your TOS) who don't remove bounced addresses.

All good mailing software these days can manage these issues, unless it's spammer-software, and there's no excuse for allowing those lists, those clients, on your server.


i've already noticed some of my emails go to people's spambox. Now i've checked like 4 websites with blacklists - i'm not in any!

So how is it possible my mails get marked as spam?
Mailservers usually keep their own blacklists. You should contact the administrator of the servers in order to be removed from their list.

i've already noticed some of my emails go to people's spambox. Now i've checked like 4 websites with blacklists - i'm not in any!

So how is it possible my mails get marked as spam?

That could depend on several things such how the receiving mail server is set up, is the recipient using spamassassin, is another mail filter being used, what is it, is it being marked as spam by the server or the recipient's email client?

Without all these details its impossible to say for sure. The different recipients could be marking it as spam for different reasons. The only way to know is to ask the mail server administrator of the recipient.
I was thinking, i always get my primary emails (the one i use for business) banned or on spamlists because of users - is there a way i could set up my few emails to work on another IP address?

So, lets say and would work on ip address and the rest of users & resellers on - that way my mails would keep working even of some user gets me on to spamlist.

I guess i would have to change exim.conf somehow and then DNS on domains? But i'm not sure how exactly :)

I was thinking, i always get my primary emails (the one i use for business) banned or on spamlists because of users - is there a way i could set up my few emails to work on another IP address?

So, lets say and would work on ip address and the rest of users & resellers on - that way my mails would keep working even of some user gets me on to spamlist.

I guess i would have to change exim.conf somehow and then DNS on domains? But i'm not sure how exactly :)


There are already instructions on the forum for doing this.
post #58
While that's a good solution for implementing using individual IP#s, and I've decided to implement it into my next SpamBlocker-powered exim.conf file, you may run into a problem:

If you use a different IP# for your own email you may never notice if your main IP# gets blocked for spamming. This create two issues:

1) if you don't catch your spammers you're not a good netizen.

2) some RBLs will eventually escalate the block to your entire /24. Best case is if you own the entire /24, and all your servers can't send email. Worst case is if you don't own your entire /24, and other servers hosted by your provider can't send email. Which tends to make your provider angry with you. Very angry.

So if you do this, be sure to keep track of the reputation of all sending IP#s as well.

Note that I've changed the name of this thread so I'll find it when finishing up the new configuration files.

I have been going back and forth on this issue. On one hand its simpler to use the one ip and on the other hand using different ip's protects the other users during a short term blacklist.

One thing I have done in the past is try to grep the log for rejections and blacklist problems. I think if you look for problems with the major mail hosts you would be able to catch problems quickly.

Whether I am using one ip or several the search pattern would be the same.
For what it's worth, you can set up feedback with the major email providers; then you'll get notified each time an email from your server is reported as spam.

We find that setting up a feedback look with the AOL Postmaster is good; most spam targets AOL sooner rather than later. So you'll find out about spam from your server very early.

Personally I have the AOL feedback loop and I am set up with spamcop as well. I was set up with RoadRunner at one time but then ip's changed with the DC move and just have not done it again.