/usr/ directory not appear from directadmin.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
/ usr / directory can be accessed from SSH. But /usr/ directory does not appear from directadmin panel . How appear /usr/ directory from directadmin panel ?

Centos 5 (64 bit) please help me :confused:
Why would it appear in directadmin? That makes no sense at all.
re: /usr/

/ usr / folder, neccessary from directadmin. I have a game server.

But /usr/ folder does not appear. How appear /usr/ directory ?
Because the file manager is run at user level not root level.
Some people install the gameserver in a /home/user/ directory so clients can access it normally trough ftp / da file manager.
DirectAdmin is meant to be used as a web control manager on shared hosting, things like gameservers are best installed on a basic linux installation.

Maybe the game server software can be installed a long side DirectAdmin, but most things like that require root.

Maybe someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
Did anyone actually try this? It works as it's supposed to.

It cannot be set to edit all files in a directory, only predetermined individual files.

Instructions are here (directadmin.com).

current problem

my current problem :

Failed (libmysqlclient_r.so.15libmysqlclient_r.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

how fixed ? centos 5 (64 bit)