/usr/lib/ and /usr/lib64/ whats the difference.

Im only guessing that is what it was! 32bit in /usr/lib/ folder and 64bit in /usr/lib64/.
64bit is new to me, the reason I asked such a question, today when I installed imagemagick with yum it installed it to /usr/lib64/ImageMagick-6.5.8 folder I uninstalled it because it spat the dummy several times with libpng mismatch and other stuff that was strange, why I dont know its a new server. And with els it installed but only one error with libpng12 and installed to /usr/lib/ and not /usr/lib64/ it was dead empty until running "ldconfig" then the lib64 folder populated with files that were similar. so now Im wondering if els version is for 64bit or not, also was wondering what the difference was and why two folders and not just one seems confusing to me. I configured the modules extension_dir=/usr/lib64/php/modules in php.ini, instead of just extension_dir=./ . Dont get me wrong image magick works as it looks.
http://nameserveraddress.com/im.pl - test cgi to see if imagemagick worked on server.
http://nameserveraddress.com/image1.php . test if it makes.
http://nameserveraddress.com/wand1.php . - check if ImageWand is installed or not.
http://nameserveraddress.com/convert1.php - test paths.
unsual to me last install displayed imagemagick in php.info without anything else but this time it doesnt and looks like I have to also install wand but wand files are already in there from els install to /usr/lib/ but not in /usr/lib64/ so to me that looks as if 32bit files were installed by els --imagemagick.
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I just had some time so I checked one of our 64-bit servers. Some of the files in /usr/lib are links to files in /usr/lib64.

It appears each program installs the libraries it needs.

I only hope the system works better than the DLL hell Windows admins occasionally run into with Microsoft products.

Here's an interesting explanation.
