I upgraded my directadmin to latest 1.43 and using custombuild 2.0 RC1 completed install apache 2.4.4 & php-fpm53 & php-fpm54 every vhost domain running OK, but the webmail & phpmyadmin locate at /var/www/html only accessable by server ip not user domains.
Please help how to fix the problem.
Before used custombuild 1.2 was ok, now cannot access from directadmin as user domains/webmail/ or domains/phpmyadmin/
I can add virtual host webmail.* and sqladmin.* and now can only access webmail as subdomain name not as directory.
Please help how to fix the problem.
Before used custombuild 1.2 was ok, now cannot access from directadmin as user domains/webmail/ or domains/phpmyadmin/
I can add virtual host webmail.* and sqladmin.* and now can only access webmail as subdomain name not as directory.