Verified User

I've moved the thread; it's not DirectAdmin related. Since we don't have a subforum for discussion of forum-related issues, it's off-topic.

A registered user is someone who has recently signed up for DirectAdmin forums. Verified users are those who've proved themselves as contributing members or at least non-spamming members) of the community.

The main difference, if I recall properly, is that Registered users cannot post a signature. There may be other limitations as well.

The DirectAdmin forums do not publish the criteria they use to decide when to move users from Registered Status to Verified Status.


Wuuti: Can you elaborate on that? Perhaps a screenshot would help us understand what you mean.

well i found out how to see more then first page topics only.

when i go on category here, gotta roll down to "Display Options"
and change it from 1month to longer time.

you have it set to 1month by default i dont think thats good idea.

A Registered User is a new User the forum. A Verified User has been around longer and has made more posts. With the verified status, the User has more forum rights.
