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Change version log and tracker for config files also expanding possible own config files versioning.
A GUI and howto's help
Kind of simple 'etckeeper' script
FOR Directadmin, then a simple/changed version you can change handle out of the DA ADMIN GUI?
ONE you can SSH , FTP to own LOCATION , yup without the GIT versioning, but to keep track of changes made by UPDATES, edited yourself, or even some sofwtare or persons.
As kind of backup but also a audit partly, if possible then with what whan changed by whom / what / when.
IT is a brainstormpy part from me to have such ( simple ( simpler) version check / control / audit) in the DA GUI.
YUP asking for simple, (KIS, keep it simple) in DA GUI.
Not such: The preferred way to do that is to use a configuration management system, like 'cfengine', 'puppet', 'chef', 'ansible' or you named it.
With such simple, you should still be able to see what exactly was changed on you system and when. (should even possible putting config files of DA also and own CMS and so in it? )
Sorry for my Grammar
SO for example IF CSF is warning changed files, you can check fast, and or with errors you can to.
THE ROLL back / restore option is less important to start with , most important is what when changed in those files.
A GUI and howto's help
Kind of simple 'etckeeper' script
FOR Directadmin, then a simple/changed version you can change handle out of the DA ADMIN GUI?
ONE you can SSH , FTP to own LOCATION , yup without the GIT versioning, but to keep track of changes made by UPDATES, edited yourself, or even some sofwtare or persons.
As kind of backup but also a audit partly, if possible then with what whan changed by whom / what / when.
IT is a brainstormpy part from me to have such ( simple ( simpler) version check / control / audit) in the DA GUI.
YUP asking for simple, (KIS, keep it simple) in DA GUI.
Not such: The preferred way to do that is to use a configuration management system, like 'cfengine', 'puppet', 'chef', 'ansible' or you named it.
With such simple, you should still be able to see what exactly was changed on you system and when. (should even possible putting config files of DA also and own CMS and so in it? )
Sorry for my Grammar
SO for example IF CSF is warning changed files, you can check fast, and or with errors you can to.
THE ROLL back / restore option is less important to start with , most important is what when changed in those files.