I added a domain name to one of my DA accounts and then added a few pointers for that domain name.
Now I think the above may be a red herring, but I've mentioned it because it's the only thing I've done.
Now, however, all the cron jobs seem to be failing with:
root: not found
anyuser: not found
Examples of cron jobs failing are:
- dataskq
- atrun
- newsyslog
The users in question do exist because I can login as them and have domains under them which work okay, it just appears that cron can't seem to make itself that user at the command line from within crontab. Executing the commands directly from the command (without the user specification on the front) works okay.
Tried removing the domain and pointers, but that didn't make any difference.
Tried a reboot too, but that didn't help either.
I'd be grateful if anyone has any ideas or has seen this before. As I said, it's possible that the adding of the new domain isn't responsible and that it isn't a DA problem, but I'm starting out by looking at the most recent likely cause.
OS is FreeBSD 4.10.
Now I think the above may be a red herring, but I've mentioned it because it's the only thing I've done.
Now, however, all the cron jobs seem to be failing with:
root: not found
anyuser: not found
Examples of cron jobs failing are:
- dataskq
- atrun
- newsyslog
The users in question do exist because I can login as them and have domains under them which work okay, it just appears that cron can't seem to make itself that user at the command line from within crontab. Executing the commands directly from the command (without the user specification on the front) works okay.
Tried removing the domain and pointers, but that didn't make any difference.
Tried a reboot too, but that didn't help either.
I'd be grateful if anyone has any ideas or has seen this before. As I said, it's possible that the adding of the new domain isn't responsible and that it isn't a DA problem, but I'm starting out by looking at the most recent likely cause.
OS is FreeBSD 4.10.