vm-pop3d presistent connection


New member
Dec 17, 2007
Hello, I hope you can help me any suggestion will help me a lot I have a problem with the vm-pop3d service I have set the option (--daemon=30) to 30 and the time out to 900 in /etc/init.d/vm-pop3d but still is not enough, many connections to the pop3 server are dropped is like the connections remains active (persistent) because when I try to restart the server I get a failed error on shutting down and still get the timeout error with outlook, I need to kill all the vm-pop3d process a then restart it in order to work but 10 or 15 minutes later I get the timeout error again, so I don't know why is failing continuously and why don't shutdown properly when restarting the service.

[root@server ~]# service vm-pop3d restart
Shutting down vm-pop3d: [FAILED]
Starting vm-pop3d: [ OK ]

And I get the error "vm-pop3d dead but subsys locked" when I check the status of the pop3 service

[root@server10 admin]# service vm-pop3d status
vm-pop3d dead but subsys locked

I try to kill all the vm-pop3d processes and then delete the file /var/lock/subsys/vm-pop3d but still the same error.

My server:
vm-Pop3d 1.1.7f-DA-2
Exim 4.68
Apache 1.3.39
DirectAdmin 1.31.2

Thanks for your help.
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I know this doesn't solve the problem with vm-pop3d, but I'd strongly suggest switching to Dovecot (search these forums); Installing it replaces vm-pop3d with a new POP/IMAP client and convert your mailboxes to Maildir format, which runs much more quickly.

I am also facing the same problem. vm-pop3d is not working in the server. When i check the status it shows the following status.

[root@server ~]# /etc/init.d/vm-pop3d status
vm-pop3d dead but subsys locked
And while trying to restart the vm-pop3d service i am getting the messages as given below.

[root@server11 ~]# /etc/init.d/vm-pop3d restart
Shutting down vm-pop3d: [FAILED]
Starting vm-pop3d: [ OK ]
[root@server11 ~]# /etc/init.d/vm-pop3d restart
Shutting down vm-pop3d: [FAILED]
Starting vm-pop3d: [ OK ]
[root@server11 ~]# /etc/init.d/vm-pop3d restart
Shutting down vm-pop3d: [FAILED]
Starting vm-pop3d:
Why is it always failing?

Is there any way to solve it other than switching to dovecot.?

Any suggestions are really appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.
I no longer have vm-pop3d installed on any of my systems and I don't remember where it keeps logs. You might try looking in /var/log/messages.

hi Jeff,

Thank you for the response. I could not find anything related to the vm-pop3d failure in the logs.

Why dovecot is superior to vm-pop3d. Can you please let me know how to switch from vm-pop3d to dovecot. Is there any tutorial/ doc describing the same.

Does the switching affect the proper functioning of mail server.

Expecting your advice.

Thank you
vm-pop3d uses mbox email boxes. mbox email boxes are one single file containing all the emails. They can get quite large (in some cases many gigabytes large) if users are keeping their email on the server.

Dovecot works with Maildir storage, which holds emails as separate files in a directory structure.

Conversion to Dovecot is covered here. Mail service is interrupted while the conversion is taking place; how long that takes depends on the size and number of your mailboxes. It could be an hour or more. We've found the best time to do this kind of work on heavily used email systems is Sunday night, as that's generally the time your server is used least.

hi Jeff,

Thank you for the reply. I will now switch from vm-pop3d to dovecot.


Once again thanking you for the explanation
I have a new server with a complete new install of DA (on Fedora 7).
After I changed to Dovecot (as advised by Jeff above) I strangly have the same problem as the users wote before, but I have them in Dovecot:
"Dovecot dead but subsys locked" is the response on the status.
Strange enough I get no fault on the start of the servive (just [ OK ])

Anybody an idea?

Versions: Apache 2.2.8, DirectAdmin 1.31.5, Exim 4.68, Dovecot 1.0.13
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