VM pop3d


Verified User
Sep 29, 2006

Since the server is tranfered to an another datacenter is my vm-pop3d down.
A restart didn't work. The server has been restarted serval times.

Version of FreeBSD:
TransIP install 6A, FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #0: Sat May 20 01:15:28 CEST 2006


Dec 22 16:49:13 blauw vm-pop3d[71161]: Couldn't bind to socket: Address already in use
Dec 22 16:50:02 blauw vm-pop3d[71188]: Couldn't bind to socket: Address already in use
Dec 22 16:50:13 blauw vm-pop3d[71204]: Couldn't bind to socket: Address already in use

Dec 22 17:10:52 blauw inetd[73118]: cannot execute /usr/local/libexec/ipop3d: No such file or directory
Dec 22 17:10:53 blauw inetd[73119]: cannot execute /usr/local/libexec/ipop3d: No such file or directory

I search on the forum of Directadmin and freebsd

Is there any solution?

Grtz Pim Geluk

Stop the xinetd service, than (re)start all the mailservices.
And does /usr/local/libexec/ipop3d exist?

(another option is to switch to Dovecot)
Dec 22 16:49:13 blauw vm-pop3d[71161]: Couldn't bind to socket: Address already in use
From this specific message, it is clear that the Port vm-pop3d uses is taken by another service/application. Stop that service/application and then restart your Mail server.[/quote]
you must find which process has take the prot you can find it by typing netstat -lnp | grep 110
and you can take its PID and kill it with this command
kill -9 {pid}
Thanx to you all.

sockstat gave me the right overview of ports and after killing de pid (inetd was using port 110) the mailservice restarted succesfull.

Thanx again!

ps: netstat -lnp | grep 110 doesn't work in freebsd 6
Thanx to you all.

sockstat gave me the right overview of ports and after killing de pid (inetd was using port 110) the mailservice restarted succesfull.

Thanx again!

ps: netstat -lnp | grep 110 doesn't work in freebsd 6

Correct. 9 out of 10 times it is (x)inetd that couses problems...