want to setup users always use their own domainname sending emails


New member
Dec 5, 2014
Hello everyone,

I have DA build 1.2 on a Centos 6.3 OS.
For example the servername is server.mydomain.com and one of the users have a domain called userdomain.com

1)All the users that send email from PHP scripts (using the PHP mail() function) have the problem that the receiver of the email gets an senders adress like [email protected]. I wish this to change to the user domain for example [email protected].

2) Users that sends email from roundcube have username@localhost as sender by default. It is easy to change for the user but i like to have it automaticly setup to [email protected].

Any help would be great.

Thanks in advance,

The second part (the php.ini part) is just if you use suPhp (as specified in the help itself: If you're using suPhp, this can only be overridden with the use of a per-user php.ini file.)

For mod_ruid2, use the first part, and you can set the "From:" field from the script.
