Wanted: Plugin for maldet


Verified User
Oct 3, 2006
I apologize if Im in the wrong forum, did look around trying to figure the place to post but here goes,
After becoming acquainted with maldet, which I think is a great tool, what are the possibilities of creating a plugin wrapped around the server install for resellers to utilize?
being able to know instantly of any malware is a great service to the users and the server, as is the server admin has to notify the reseller and this requires time lost,
I would like to see a plugin that can be used by the reseller as a service to offer his/her clients and most important would be the integrity of the server, getting black listed by Google is the old and slow way of finding out a site has been circumvented , catching the culprit in the act would be the best solution to override and exterminate the malware.
any ideas, suggestions?, or someone like to take on this project?

thanks for listening.... :)
see if I can explain lol
as is now just server admin (root) gets these reports, so a plugin that the server admin can activate per reseller and now the reseller gets all these alerts same as admin does, ( redundant email alerts for server admin and reseller) (in case the reseller takes no action) some ability to either only notify the reseller or the reseller can choose to notify his users directly, an email template that can be more personalized so it comes from the reseller to the user, of course the reseller would only know of anything that happened in his/her group of users.
options for both ( admin and Reseller) to either quarantine or just notify.
I do think the better choice is to quarantine and send notices, breaking the cycle of the hack seems more important than allowing it to continue until action is taken to fix the problem(s)
this will get more attention as people seem to ignore problems like they will just go away, but as we all know
""problems that go away by themselves, come back by themselves""
the first priority is to the server and to the users as a whole
OK, more or less this time that is clear for me. If you really need it, and are ready to pay my time, I'll write that plugin for you. Just let me know via PM and we could discuss more details.
I think a plugin for maldet would be a wonderful idea and an important add-on. If anyone is willing to work on it as a free project for the community (as I did with my SpamBlocker exim.conf file) I'd be happy to write the specification for it.

That would be a wonderful idea sir!
I hope that some will want to get involved:cool:
I think a plugin for maldet would be a wonderful idea and an important add-on. If anyone is willing to work on it as a free project for the community (as I did with my SpamBlocker exim.conf file) I'd be happy to write the specification for it.

I've already written a set of scripts to notify admin and users about malware found in their homedirs, and the script even can block a domain if a customer does not remove malware within a specified time frame. The scripts are not finished yet to be used by a wide community.

Anyway if there are enough requests for it (I really don't recall anybody else before to ask for it) I could finish and share it. Just let me know that.
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Such script would be nice zEitEr.
At this moment, Maldet only warns admin when something is found. It would be good that the user would be warned too.
OK, and what do you think a plugin should do? Only to email admins and users? A full list of features (how you see it) would be nice.
What I envision the plugin doing is allowing admins to manage which users get notified directly, and which get notified through their resellers. That way a server administrator can notify users of his own reseller accounts (many of us use more than just the reseller level of our admin login) and for other accounts just notify the resellers.

A reseller level would be nice too; so the reseller could control whether or not he wanted his users notified.

A nice add-on would be the option (at the reseller level) for the reseller to decide whether or not he wants his usres notified, and if so, to set the outgoing email address for the notification email.

as a reseller, I would want the choice of either emailing them direct or me emailing them, but the better part is getting notified of the potential problem
I dont have lots and lots money but I would chip in if it would help the cause, I mean having a contribution like this for the community would be wonderful but I also know time spent by the coder is his valuable time.
we can maybe keep your coffee cup full, fresh and hot? :)
maybe we can do some exchanges, like I may be able to help you with a graphics project?
OK, more or less it's clear for me. If you could drop me a couple of images of how it might be looking like within a default skin in directadmin it would be great. Of course we should stick to default CSS (table and colours).
thank you bluebirdnet
Im not sure it has to be that involved, maybe at least not at the start
I thought about this and
-if admin could assign it to a reseller with a tic box under manage reseller packages
-if reseller had the same under manage user packages, a tic box to include in that package
and to either notify the user or not
-auto quarantine ( is there a reason not to automatically do this? I think it should just quarantine
but put the affected file(s) in a location that the reseller can get to
-could use the internal message system of DA to notify the reseller and or user as selected
-scan as normal maldet daily scans and notify with either a 'No Threat Found' or 'threat (name) found at x (user) location'
so only a small addition to the enhanced skin with reseller/user packages
( the once a day email would be not bad and just so you know it did in fact run)
Hi Alex,
have yo had any time to put something together? :)
and, can maldet be used as a 'on demand' scanner? run when wanted, many places wanting an arm and a leg to scan your website
and it seems if maldet is here why cant we make it a tool to use on a per user basis?
I've already written a set of scripts to notify admin and users about malware found in their homedirs, and the script even can block a domain if a customer does not remove malware within a specified time frame. The scripts are not finished yet to be used by a wide community.

Anyway if there are enough requests for it (I really don't recall anybody else before to ask for it) I could finish and share it. Just let me know that.
Can i have your scripts i will be thankful to you if you give me link or list, that help managing server in better way