Warning: ftp_get(): 6 Transfer ok in - on line 37


Verified User
Feb 1, 2007
When i try to restore a user account i get this error in the message system:

Warning: ftp_get(): 6 Transfer ok in - on line 37

before i restored this user i have succesfully restored a different user before.

I am moving users from one server to a new server, i made a reseller an have moved succesfully one user account.

Can anyone help me?
no one?

hmm thats strange!

I am having the same issue currently, and from the digging around I've been doing, it seems this error happens when you are trying to write a rather large tarball to a machine that cannot accept/open a file that large.

now I just need to figure out how to change these settings (in php.ini I do believe) ...

I hope this helps ... if you can help me, please reply.

**NOTE : I just noticed the date on the previous post, so I am hoping you have solved your issues. LOL!!
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For the benefit of anybody else with this ftp get() issue ....

I ended up using scp to transfer the file via SSH, and worked like a charm!

$ scp /folder/file-to-tranfer [email protected]:/folder/file-destination-name > /dev/null 2>&1

The file was 26.98G and transferred flawlessly in just over 15 mins.

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