Warning! The file suphp.log with 2 gigas will stop the php script


Verified User
Feb 3, 2004

The /var/log/suphp.log when comes to 2 gigas stop the php scripts.. then you need delete the file to work fine again. I think the community should know this. I think DA should include in the logrorate this file, is important.

I know add this to the logrotate should be easy searching but i ask here before :) .

Sorry my bad english

Firstly, you should check i you have loglevel=warn in /usr/local/suphp/etc/suphp.conf. If you have info - it will log everything. Secondly, if you have apache 2.2 - it should work with 2+GB files :) And of course it would be great to have logrotate for it.
Thanks with the 'warn' level to reach 2 gigas will be years im seeing :)

httpd -v
Server version: Apache/2.2.6 (Unix)
Server built: Nov 27 2007 20:11:34

even with 2.2 when the log is 2GB stops and fail, at least in my server . I recommend put the level log to 'warn'
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