Warning: The system load average is 26.5


Verified User
Dec 2, 2017
I have a problem "The system load average is" i get this message few times.
Screenshot at Jan 10 06-09-06.png

after 5-20 minutes everything seem to be allright
Screenshot at Jan 10 06-27-59.png

I check log files and do not see anything (or i don't know where search )
How to check what charges cpu, ram?...

BTW i have got VPS
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Now everything seems to be alright.
I scanned ClamAV no infected files.

In the log files var/log/httpd/domains/ i found a lot of :

[allowmethods:error] [pid 29612] [client] AH01623: client method denied by server configuration: 'OPTIONS' to /home/admin/domains/...
[Thu Jan 10 10:40:32.144116 2019] [php7:warn] [pid 26892] [client] PHP Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/admin/domains/..

How to Enable Brute Force manager in Directadmin with CSF/LFD?

Thank You for your help i'm very appreciate
On one test server, I have the same issue but not really....

The system is reporting super high loads.:
Annotation 2020-01-25 115312.png

But the cpu and disk loads are actually really low:
Annotation 2020-01-25 115448.png
iostatAnnotation 2020-01-25 121106.png

I've look at process states:
# ps -e v
And didn't see anything waiting for anything.

# top -n 1 -b
Annotation 2020-01-25 115807.png
Shows same high load but no process having trouble.

Could be disk read/writes but this is a NvME drive and is really spending no time lagging at anything ever.

This looks like there might be a bug? somewhere?

Or I'm going mad..

One of the two.
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what does the sar command show?

nada... Still no idea where the load is coming from.
19:00:01        CPU     %user     %nice   %system   %iowait    %steal     %idle
19:10:01        all     10.23      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00     89.77
Average:        all      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

Sorry didn't read all but:
These loads are spikes?
Which times / dates ?

Are you in NL with a hosting provider using some backup scripts / possibylities from them?

If yes then maybe , while we did have those a few times now to. ( i suspect some changes there) DA BACKup"SCRIPTS" are also heavy ...

For now every night i have this , started 24-01-2020 at night
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Well you have to match the time when your load is high with the time in sar. Disk I/O can cause your load to be high.
These loads are spikes?
No.. Not spikes. For now are just unexplained loads.

My theory is that since this is a VPS, it is not looking at the resources allocated to me, but all of them. There really could be no other way to get to those kind of numbers with what I have.
It all depends on what kind of VPS it is. What is the disk write speed?