Warning: The system load average is xx.xx


Verified User
Sep 21, 2012

If I get such email warning, there's a list with the Connection counts.
There are some IP's which are being referenced as leechers/spammers etc.

Is there a possibility to:
1) see such list real time?
2) an option to block IP's when they have more than x connections?
3) or the receive an email when an IP has more than x connections?
1. apache status - if you have apache.
2 and 3 - yes - connection tracking in CSF
Hi Zhenyapan,

1) can it be view in the DA GUI?
2) and 3) can you explain a bit more?
1) That's too bad, it would be a nice feature for me to be able to see this from the GUI.
2-3 I've tried some of the suggestions, thanks for this link.
Hi Zhenyapan,

2-3 it works well so thank you for this advice.
But now I'm listed too, as I am in the white list, I do not actually get blocked.