Warnings when account limits reached?


Verified User
Mar 19, 2004
Does DA issue any sort of notification that a site is getting close to it's limit and is in danger of being suspended?
Yes. A notice is sent out during the nightly tally when an account exeeds 80% of it's bandwidth or disk usage. The message also includes a time estimate of when 100% usage will occur.
I think it's 80% or somewhere around there.
This might help:

I was actually going to post a similar topic, put while we're on the subject...

I have a DA reseller account and I want to be sure that all usage, users AND the DA reseller default website are tallied for the results on the Reseller Statistics page.

Also, I want to confirm that I can setup more space than I actually have. For example if most of the 16 accounts are small sites and could take a year to add the main portion of their content then I can sell over what I've been allotted, and my reseller account won't be suspended until the users start to catch up with what I've allotted them - thereby pushing my usage up to my Max Usage? For example from the Reseller Statistics page):

Setting - Current Usage - Allocated - Max Usage
Bandwidth (meg) - 3257 - 44500 - 61440
Disk Space (meg) - 390 - 3100 - 3072

...I've already allocated more than my Max Usage (in Disk Space) but the users are far from pushing my Usage up close to my Max usage. So I'm fine, right?
owen said:
...I've already allocated more than my Max Usage (in Disk Space) but the users are far from pushing my Usage up close to my Max usage. So I'm fine, right?
You should check with your provider and find out if s/he allows overselling. Otherwise if you're not careful one of your customers is going to get your site suspended.

The default site suspended notice will place the blame entirely on you when your clients' sites are suspended. You're much better off if it doesn't happen.

We allow resellers and users to oversell; then we charge them for the overage (it's in our TOS). We believe our customers would rather pay more than be knocked off the 'net, and of course our customers know they'll be charged for overuse; that's carefully explained.

Thanks Jeff. I've contacted my provider.

Mine is kind of a unique case as I run a public arts organization and this is one of our projects. We provide small accounts for artists to represent themselves online. We don't add any fees like a real business might and tend to present the hosting cost as more of a consortium or group effort. And we don't make a profit, rather just make enough from the monthly to pay our bills. That being said, most of the users are at a novice level and are using a very small amount of bandwidth/disk space so it would be cool if we could pack more people in without paying more. But yeah, it depends on what my provider says. Regardless of how low the usage is and how small this project is, I wouldn't want to get shut off.