Support is aweful in my optinion, Its as bad if not worst than Cpanels. I think i have seen about 2 replies from DA in these forums since i purchased a license.
Seems like a bunch of people who are helping each other and thats basically about it.
To get a question answered around here but anyone who has anyting to do with DA, is about the chance of getting hit by lightning.
Pretty sad. You would think they could afford to hire a few people to get the job done instead of ignorning most of the posts.
How are feature implamented? Where do they get their requests from such a thing? I have to ask myself, do they just come upon the idea by accident? I wonder.
Also, 1 update per month, according to the changelog, is really a slim margin. Im sure there are many features, requests and bug fixes that need implamenting but it seems like this is only a monthly thing.
Look at the changelog. 1 update per month. What happens during a showstopper upgrade? DO we wait a month to get a fix?